A great turn out, especially considering it seemed quite windy with 24 riders. Adrian Beer was fastest in 22.16. Former club member and a regular in previous years Andrew Knowles was second, setting a PB in 23.21. Third was BRJ’s Cy Gearing in 23.54. Jess Williams was the fastest women […]
Time Trials
Well done to Adrian Beer who was fastest on the night in 22.12. Adrian’s times are rapidly coming down and he is closing the gap each week to Tim. That time makes him the fifth fastest club member on this course and only 5 seconds off third. Sean Purser set […]
21 riders this week and although most were expecting to be slower than last week that wasn’t the case. Tim Phillips was fastest and posted another personnel best. His time of 22.07 is one second quicker than Jack Burgins PB and is now the third fastest time by a St […]
For the first time year it wasn’t cold and there was virtually no wind either. I had suggested in the morning that conditions might be very good and they turned out to be almost perfect. About half the field set course personnel bests and those that didn’t were mostly not […]
Like last week the weather was overcast, windy, cold and not especially quick, so having 23 riders was a good turn out. Descending Woodwalton Hill was a bit scary with the strong crosswinds, especially for those of us either brave or daft enough to ride with deep section or disc […]
Not sure anyone actually enjoyed racing this Wednesday, with most agreeing the cold, strong NNE winds made for very slow and miserable riding conditions. Chris Penney summed it up: “it seemed to be either uphill or into a headwind all the way”. With a few exceptions most riders were around […]