This Saturday is the third Saturday of the month, but as is usual in the holidays, we will be running one of our “Family rides” in place of the regular session, so adults can also attend and join us for a ride around the reservoir. Please do remember to bring […]
Mark Bingley
It was good to see some new faces at the start of this week’s club run, and encouraging that some had also returned for a second or third outing with us. Having split the groups into the usual A, B, C packs for the off, it very quickly became obvious […]
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we’ve just found out that the Park Run has been cancelled tomorrow due to the Park mostly being underwater. This means that it is probably not advisable for us either as you will probably spend most of the time digging mud […]
Before reporting on the ride out to Royston, I’d like to thank all those who have given feedback on the previous week’s new route stopping at Grafham Marlow Car Park Café. Generally this route was very well received and with maybe a minor tweak or 2 will make a permanent […]
Our next club ‘Further Afield’ Mountian Bike Ride will be at Cannock Chase. We’ll meet in the car park at the Birches Valley Forest Centre in Rugeley at 10am, (just look around for the big red van!). It should take just under a couple of hours from St Ives, to […]
At last, the wait is over and the first session of 2014 is upon us at Hinchingbrooke this weekend. I will be at the last Eastern Region cyclocross on Saturday so there won’t be an Alconbury road session in the afternoon though. Sorry. These will start in February. Cyclocross Final […]