Club kit order

A club kit order will be submitted to our kit supplier Kalas on Monday 10 February. The lead in time is currently 5 – 6 weeks.

If you would like to order kit, please fill out your requirements using this order spreadsheet  by entering the number of each item you would like in the correct size column.
The spreadsheet will add up and price the items you choose with the total cost to be paid being displayed on the summary sheet.

After that, please fill out your personal details on the summary page and save the spreadsheet, replacing MEMBER_NAME in the file name with your name and return it to me on this email address.

Payment should be made directly into the club account either by electronic payment or over the counter using the details below. Please ensure that you include your surname and initial in the reference section when making payment.

Bank Details:

Barclays Bank

Account Name: St Ives CC
Sort: 20.43.63
A/C 60774626

In order to simplify and speed the process up I won’t be taking cheques or passing on orders without cleared payment.

Once the kit has been delivered and order into individual orders, it will be available to pick up before the next committee meeting at the Dolphin in St Ives (committee meetings are held on the second Monday of each month) or from me.

If you have any questions about the kit or the process please let me know.

Chris Lawrence
Kit Secretary